Spring 2025 Course Registration (9 AM)
News Worth Sharing: Foundations & Practices of Evangelism
As Christians, each of us put our faith in Jesus after someone, at some time, in some way decided to share the good news of the gospel with us. Romans 1:16 tells us that the gospel is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” However, sharing our faith is often something we feel we are supposed to do, but don’t know how.
This 6-week course will explore scriptural foundations for why Christians are called to share the gospel and provide practical tools to equip believers for a life that points lost people to Jesus.
We will meet in person on Sun mornings (9:00 AM -10:15 AM) from April 6 - May 18 (skipping Easter). Childcare will be provided, but you must register by March 23 to guarantee the availability of childcare providers.
Please drop us an email if you have any questions.
WHEN: 6 weeks - Sunday, April 6 - May 18 (skipping Easter Sun)
TIME: 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM
LOCATION: 228 S. Wabash Suite 300 (HTC Church offices)
COST: $20 (includes cost of materials and online learning platform) Scholarships are available if cost is an issue, please contact us
*Upon filling out the form to the right you will be directed to our PushPay site to make your payment and complete your registration